NES Graduate Student Alison Wilkinson Receives ARCE Prize

NES Graduate Student Alison Wilkinson Receives ARCE Prize

The Department of Near Eastern Studies is proud to announce that Alison Wilkinson, a PhD student at Johns Hopkins, received the First Prize for Best Student Paper at the American Research Center in Egypt Annual Meeting held at Pittsburgh, April 19-21, 2024.

Alison is shown here receiving the award from Dr. Denise Doxey (Boston Museum of Fine Arts), Dr. Louise Bertini (Executive Director of ARCE), and Dr. Ashley Arico (Associate Curator of Ancient Egyptian Art, Art Institute of Chicago, a Hopkins NES Ph.D.).

Other JHU NES News

We also wish to announce the following JHU NES news:

Our very recent Assyriology Ph.D. graduate, Nicholas Gill, recently began a two-year post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Venice on the project “Multimodality in the Babylonian Cadastral Maps: Form, Function, and Lexicon”, under the direction of Paola Coro.

Anna Glenn, one of our Ph.D. graduates who specialized in Sumerology, will assume the Sumerian Preceptorship at Harvard University, beginning July 1, 2024. 

Marc Flores, a graduate student in Assyriology, has been awarded a DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Fellowship (2024-2025) to work with Prof. Annette Zgoll at the the Georg August University of Göttingen.

Congratulations to all!