Josephine Quinn Talk and Q&A

The Classics Department welcomes Josephine Crawley Quinn, Professor of Ancient History in the Faculty of Classics at Worcester College, University of Oxford, as she reads from her paradigm-shifting book How the World Made the West: a 4,000-Year History followed by Q&A about cultural interactions, history, or even how to reach wider publics through our scholarly work. […]

Lecture by Rhiannon Graybill, “Landscape, Garden, Monster”

Gilman Hall, Room 17 3400 North Charles Street, Gilman Hall, Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Rethinking the Female Body in the Hebrew Bible The Leonard and Helen R. Stulman Program in Jewish Studies presents Dr. Rhiannon Graybill of the University of Richmond The Hebrew Bible is filled with peculiar, striking metaphorical representations of THE female body. A woman is (like) a land or landscape. At the same time, the land […]

Classics Lecture: Pierre Destrée

Professor Pierre Destrée (University of Louvain) gives a talk titled "On the Value of Comedy. Aristotle and the Second Book of the Poetics" in Gilman 108. Abstract: "This paper attempts to reconstruct the main points of the lost Poetics II on comedy. I will argue that there is no reason to think that, contrary to the […]

AIA Kershaw Lecture: Shane Thompson

The Baltimore Society of The Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) welcomes Shane Thompson (North Carolina Wesleyan University) for a talk titled "Egyptian Conceptions and Manifestations of Borders and Cultural Hegemony in the Late Bronze Age Southern Levant." The talk will take place in Gilman Hall 50.

Boshell Lecture Series: In the Ancient Artist’s Presence: Sanchita Balachandran

Sanchita Balachandran, Director of the Smithsonian Institution’s Museum Conservation Institute, will give a talk at the Walters Art Museum on Thursday, September 26, 2024 at 6–7:30pm. Registration for event here. About the Speaker Sanchita Balachandran is Director of the Smithsonian’s Museum Conservation Institute, the center for technical research and conservation for all Smithsonian museums and collections. […]

Lecture by Amy Russell

The Classics Department welcomes Dr. Amy Russell, Associate Professor of History and Classics in the Department of History at Brown University, whose visionary work on The Politics of Public Space in Republican Rome won the Goodwin Prize. She will give a talk titled "Women and Roman politics: citizenship and belonging" with a reception to follow. Abstract: "Women could […]

Classics Lecture: Ted Gellar-Goad

Professor Ted Gellar-Goad of Wake Forest University presents a lecture titled "Fractals and Queer Time in Plautus’ Epidicus" in Gilman 108. Abstract: "Plautus’ Epidicus, his second-shortest play, has what’s been described as “the ancient world’s most mind-boggling plot.” But its plot isn’t so mind-boggling if we think of it as like a fractal, a mathematical phenomenon built out […]

AIA Gladys Callahan Vocci Justice Lecture: Travis Parno

The Baltimore Society of The Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) welcomes Travis Parno of Historic St. Mary's City for a talk titled "Unearthing St. Mary's 1634 Fort." The talk will take place in Gilman Hall 50.

The Lavy Colloquium

"The Impact of the Israel-Hamas War on Israeli Domestic and Foreign Policy". Details TBD.

2024 Samuel Iwry Lecture: Sara Milstein

Mudd Hall Auditorium 3400 N Charles Street, Mudd Hall, Room 26, Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Light reception offered at 5:00pm Lecture to begin 5:30pm Please visit again for additional details