Classics Lecture: Ted Gellar-Goad

Professor Ted Gellar-Goad of Wake Forest University presents a lecture titled "Fractals and Queer Time in Plautus’ Epidicus" in Gilman 108. Abstract: "Plautus’ Epidicus, his second-shortest play, has what’s been described as […]

The Lavy Colloquium

"The Impact of the Israel-Hamas War on Israeli Domestic and Foreign Policy". Details TBD.

2024 Samuel Iwry Lecture: Sara Milstein

Mudd Hall Auditorium 3400 N Charles Street, Mudd Hall, Room 26, Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Light reception offered at 5:00pm Lecture to begin 5:30pm Please visit again for additional details

AIA Dorothy Kent Hill Lecture: Eric Cline

The Baltimore Society of The Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) welcomes Eric Cline of George Washington University for a talk titled "1177 BC and After: The Collapse and Survival of […]

Classics Lecture: Catherine P. Foster

Dr Catherine P. Foster (Argus Cultural Property Consultants) will give a talk titled "Beyond Borders: International Collaborations in Cultural Heritage" in Gilman 130G. Abstract: "This paper explores the inspiring stories […]

AIA Henry T. Rowell Lecture: Glenn Schwartz

The Baltimore Society of The Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) welcomes Glenn Schwartz of The Johns Hopkins University to give a talk titled "Living Dead: Memory, Sacrifice and the 'Royal' […]