The Labors of Idrimi: Inscribing the Past, Shaping the Present at Late Bronze Age Alalah
Jacob Lauinger
SBL Press ,2024
Animals, Ancestors, and Ritual in Early Bronze Age Syria: An Elite Mortuary Complex from Umm el-Marra
Glenn M. Schwartz
Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press ,2024
Landscape History of Hadramawt: The Roots of Agriculture in Southern Arabia
Michael Harrower
Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press ,2020
The Origin and Character of God: Ancient Israelite Religion Through the Lens of Divinity
Theodore J. Lewis
Oxford University Press ,2020
Rural Archaeology in Early Urban Northern Mesopotamia
Glenn M. Schwartz
The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press ,2015
Texts and Contexts
Jacob Lauinger
(co-editor); Paul A. Delnero(co-editor)
Walter de Gruyter ,2015
Creativity and Innovation in the Reign of Hatshepsut
Betsy M. Bryan
Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago ,2014
The Textual Criticism of Sumerian Literature
Paul A. Delnero
American Schools of Oriental Research ,2012
Perspectives on Ptolemaic Thebes
Betsy M. Bryan
Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago ,2011
Text, Artifact, and Image: Revealing Ancient Israelite Religion
Theodore J. Lewis
Brown Judaic Studies ,2010
Sacred Space and Sacred Function in Ancient Thebes
Betsy M. Bryan
Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago ,2007
The Study of the Ancient Near East in the 21st Century
Glenn M. Schwartz
Eisenbrauns ,1996
Archaeological Views From the Countryside
Glenn M. Schwartz
Smithsonian Institution Press ,1994